About Mr.Kelley

      Xavier Kelley was born on December 29th 1999. He was given away at birth, because of family circumstances. Xavier was a very troubled youngster, and as a result the family that adopted him put him into foster care. There Xavier traveled through two therapeutic foster homes before being adopted by Carl and Connie Kelley on December 21st, 2008. 

      At the time of the adoption and currently, Connie and Carl attended Shining Light Baptist Church. Under the wise preaching of Pastor Tim Cruse, and the powerful advice of his parents, Xavier was saved on November 17th 2012 after a near death experience. Since then, Xavier has been apart of many ministries of Shining Light, including the Choir, and the Bus Ministry. Xavier has a heart to care for young people who have been in similar situations like he has. 

     In his free time, Xavier likes to play piano, ride his bicycle, and play with his dogs. Xavier is happy where he is, and looks forward to the Adventure of a lifetime Christ has for him.

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